Hello, random people of the internet variety.
Would you look at that - I created a blog. Oh dear. And it's going to consist of musings and random thoughts about music type things. For musings and random thoughts read: babbling. As if I didn't do that enough already, I now have somewhere specific to do it. I suppose it'll save my friends from having to listen to me ramble about bands they've never heard of or the fact that there are no good gig venues in the city I'm currently living in and no (cheap) way of getting to anywhere with decent gigs until I go back to England next year. Oh look, the rambling's started already.
IATSATH, as explained in that little box in the sidebar, is my standard username. It's quite simply the initials of the first line of How Soon Is Now? by The Smiths - "I am the son and the heir". Contrary to the common misconception due to this, I'm female, not male. I just love the song. You'll find me as IATSATH on a few other sites as well. Last.FM is probably most relevant to this. You can find my account here, complete with my taste in music. It's fairly varied, although I know there are a lot of people with a lot more varied taste than me.
Anything else I need to mention in this first post? Um... oh, I tend to obsess over bands. So be warned that there may be random posts in which I gush madly about a band I've just found out about, or an upcoming album or a gig. My apologies.
Right, that'll do for now. G'bye, folks.
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