Thursday, January 6, 2011

Checking In

Hello again, random faceless internet people. Long time no speak. This is what happens when I have virtually no internet for about 6 weeks. Or is it 5 weeks? Whatever, it's a long time for me to be without internet. For a start, I couldn't download The Damned Things' debut album Ironiclast when it came out on December 14th. I have it now though. The joys of wi-fi in airport terminals.

Now, I would go through all the stuff I've been doing, but I'm absolutely knackered (4am shuttle to the airport this morning. Ugh), so that'll have to wait until I'm more awake. i.e. - after I pump myself full of caffeine and sugar. So probably some time later today. If I don't fall asleep. It will be a blog of epic awesomeness, lots of pretty pictures and even more babbling. Happy happy sleep deprived times. Oh, and there'll probably be babbling about The Damned Things. Because we all know they're awesome. Yes. Anyways...

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